We have compiled important links from various institutions around the world that can help our seniors stay informed.
INEI, Estimates and Projections of Population 2000-2015, December 2009, 18
INEI, Poverty Map 2009, October 2010
INEI, Estimates and Projections of Population 1995-2025, November 2010, 22
INEI, Institutional Report 2009-2010, 3. Social, Demographic and Environmental Statistics, Javier Herrera, IRD-France Researcher, Lima, 2011.
UNFPA, Regional Demographic Dividend in Peru 2012, Lima, Peru, 2012.
MIMPE, Peru: Population and Development, 2014
Discrimination in Peruvian Television, Wilfredo Ardito Vega, Lima, March 2014.
Characteristics of the Elderly, Javier Olivera, Jhonatan Clausen, January-June 2014.
MINSA-Integral Health Insurance, Advances in the Affiliation Process for a Population Group Determined by Regulation, October 30, 2014.
The Future of the Peruvian Population Problems and Opportunities, Carlos E. Aramburú and Walter Mendoza, Sociology Debates, No. 41, Lima, Peru, 2015.
MINSA, National Institute of Health, National Center for Food and Nutrition, Executive Directorate of Food and Nutrition Surveillance, Technical Report: 'Nutritional Status by Life Stages in the Peruvian Population 2013-2014', Lima-Peru, 2015.
MINSA-Integral Health Insurance, Report on Accident and Recovery Benefits Production SIS – MINSA Peru, 2015.
Analysis of Discrimination in Peruvian Television, Luis R. Alarcón Ll., Advisory Council on Radio and TV, Lima, 2016.
Ministry of Economy and Finance-Ministry of Women and Vulnerable Populations, Program of Incentives for Improving Municipal Management 2016, Guide for Compliance with Goal 31 'Creation or Adaptation of the Comprehensive Care Center for the Elderly – CIAM', January 2016.
Health Services Directed at Serving the Elderly in Peru, César González Hunt, Law & Society Journal No. 46, March 2016.
Here No One is Old! Uses and Interpretations of the Elderly Center Program-Essalud in a Popular District of Lima, Gabriela Ramos Bonilla, Life Ages and Education Research Group – EVE, Pontifical Catholic University of Peru, October 5, 2016.
What Benefits Does the Non-Pensioner Elderly Over 60 Have Regarding Property Tax?, Blog by Mario Alva Matteucci, Lima, Peru, March 1, 2017.
INEI, Peru: Baseline of the Main Available Indicators of Sustainable Development Goals 2016, Lima, April 2017.
CEPLAN, National Indicators Matrix, July 2017.
INEI, National Budget Programs Survey 2011-2016, August 2017.
INEI, Review of Estimates and Projections, November 2017, 6
INEI, Peru: Sociodemographic Profile 2017, Chapter 1 Population Characteristics, Lima, August 2018.
The Situation of the Elderly in Peru, Juan Luis Herrera Miranda, Lima, Peru, December 2019.
Ministry of Labor and Employment Promotion, Annual Employment Report of the Elderly Population (60 and over) in Peru 2017, Lima, Peru, 2019.
Aging in Peru: Towards the Strengthening of Policies for the Elderly, Liz Margaret Vela Barrientos, Ombudsman's Office, 2019.
INEI, Technical Report: Situation of the Elderly Population, January-February-March 2019.
Ombudsman's Office, Ombudsman Report No. 177: Towards a Comprehensive Policy for the Elderly, Situation of the Elderly, 2019.
Nutritional Status and Associated Factors in Elderly Adults Living in Poverty in Peru 2014-2017, María del Pilar Cari Pillaca, Lima, Peru, February 2020.
Perception of Respect in Elderly People in Lima, Ricardo León Pérez, Lima, Peru, March 2020.
Situation of the Elderly Population, January-February-March 2020, Lima, Peru, May 2020.
INEI, Technical Report: Situation of the Elderly Population, October-November-December 2020.
Policies for the Elderly and Social Security, United Nations Peru, May 2021.
Indicators for Monitoring the 2030 Agenda, May 2021.
Characteristics of Elderly Adults, June 2021.
Annual Report on Human Rights of Older People in Peru 2021, July 2021.
Annual Report on Human Rights of Older People in Peru 2022, September 2022.
Effects of the Pension Reform on the Economic and Social Security of the Elderly in Peru 2021-2022, September 2022.
Neurological Foundations of Mindfulness and Its Influence on Loneliness in Older Adults, María Fernanda García Márquez, María Fernanda Rivera Reyes, Felipe Parrado Corredor.
Aging, José Manuel Ribera Casado, Madrid.
Sports Activity and the Elderly, Pedro Ureña Bonilla.
Physical Activity and Quality of Life in Older Adults, An Analysis in Monterrey City, Oswaldo Ceballos Gurrola, Javier Álvarez Bermúdez, Rosa Elena Medina Rodríguez, Monterrey, Mexico.
Anthology of Social Image.
The Elderly in History, Carlos Trejo Maturana.
Spirituality and Quality of Life in the Elderly, Victoria I. Tirro A., UNIMET, Caracas, Venezuela.
Guide to Physical Activity and Exercise for the Elderly.
The Elderly in History, Leonor Luna de Rubio, Advances in Nursing Vol. IX No. 1 January-June 1991, National University of Colombia, Bogotá campus.
UN, United Nations Principles for Older Persons, New York, USA, December 16, 1991.
Old Age and Aging in Historical Perspective Challenges of a Growing Field, David-Sven Reher, Department of Sociology II, Complutense University of Madrid, Politics and Society, 26(1997), Madrid (pp. 63-111), Spain.
Gerontagogy: A New Discipline, Cristina Fernández Portero, Open School, 3 (1999), Andalusia, Spain.
Spirituality as a Lifestyle and Well-being in the Last Stage of Life, Felipe R. Vásquez Palacios, Xalapa, Mexico, March 20, 2001.
Spanish Society of Geriatrics and Gerontology, Physical Exercise Guide for Seniors, Madrid, Spain, May 2011.
"Advancing Gerontagogy: Learning from the Canadian Experience", Mariano Sánchez Martínez, University of Granada, Social Pedagogy, University Journal No. 6-7, Second Season, June 2001, pp. 243-262, Granada, Spain.
“Psychological Adjustment and Religious Life in Older Adults”, Armando Rivera Ledesma, María Montero López Lena, Universitas Psychologica, Faculty of Psychology, Pontifical Xavierian University, Bogotá, Colombia, V. 13, No. 2, April-June 2014.
Lifelong Learning, Sacramento Pinazo Hernandis, AECID Course: Public Policies for Active Aging, Embassy of Spain in Bolivia, INSERSO, AECEID, November 2012.
Historical Perspective on the Concept of Old Age in Ancient Societies, María Luz Polo Luque, Mari Paz Martínez Ortega, Department of Nursing and Physiotherapy, University of Alcalá, Alcalá de Henares, Madrid, Spain, second semester of 2001.
"The Need for Confrontation for Mutual Enrichment between Educational Gerontology and Gerontagogy", Elena Sánchez Martínez, Social Pedagogy, University Journal No. 8, Second Season, December 2001, University of Murcia, Murcia, Spain.
Conceptual Approach to the Situation of Older Adults in Latin America, Paula Aranibar, Regional Population Project CELADE-UNFPA (United Nations Population Fund), Latin American and Caribbean Demographic Center (CELADE) - Population Division of ECLAC, Population and Development Area of CELADE, Santiago de Chile, December 2001.
Better Old than Never, Lessons on Longevity from a Study in the Southern Cone, Tomás A. Engler and Martha B. Peláez, editors, Inter-American Development Bank and Pan American Health Organization, Washington DC, 2002.
Historical Perspective on the Concept of Old Age since the Middle Ages, María Paz Martínez Ortega, María Luz Polo Luque, Beatriz Carrasco Fernández, Department of Nursing and Physiotherapy, University of Alcalá, Alcalá de Henares, Madrid, Spain, September 2002.
Spirituality and Older Adults, José Carlos Bermejo Higuera, Center for Humanization of Health, Tres Cantos, Madrid, Spain, 2003.
Physical Activity and Sports in Older Adults - Physiological Foundations, Jorge Chávez Samperio, Ma. Esther Lozano Dávila, Agustín Lara Esqueda, Óscar Velázquez Monroy, Mexico City, Mexico, 2004.
Relationship between Strength and Spirituality of Mexican Older Adults, San-Juana Dávila Mendoza, Autonomous University of Nuevo León, Nuevo León, Mexico, January 2004.
Psychology of Aging, Rocío Fernández-Ballesteros, Autonomous University of Madrid, Madrid, Spain, January-April 2004.
Digital Literacy in Older Adults: On the Path to Social Inclusion?, Aida Cerda Candia, thesis to obtain the Master's degree, University of Chile, Faculty of Social Sciences, Graduate School, Master's Program, mention in Educational Informatics, Santiago, 2005.
“Successful Aging” and “Third Age”: Problems and Challenges for Health Promotion, Mauro Brigeiro, Research and Education in Nursing - Medellin, Colombia, Vol. XXIII No. 1, March 2005.
Promotion of Active Aging: Effects of the “Living with Vitality” Program, R. Fernández-Ballesteros, M.G. Caprara, J. Iñiguez, and L.F. García, Spanish Journal of Geriatrics and Gerontology, Spain, April 2005.
Spanish Society of Geriatrics and Gerontology, Geriatrics Treaty for Residents, Chapter 3: Most Relevant Changes and Peculiarities of Diseases in the Elderly, Elisa Corujo Rodríguez and Domingo de Guzmán Pérez Hernández, Madrid, 2007.
Spirituality and Religiosity in Mexican Older Adults, Armando Rivera Ledesma, María Montero, Mental Health, Vol. 28, No. 6, December 2005, pp. 51-58, National Institute of Psychiatry Ramón de la Fuente Muñiz, Mexico City, Mexico.
Physical Exercise and Sports in Older Adults, Luís F. Heredia Guerra, Center for Research on Longevity, Aging and Health (CITED), Havana, Cuba, 2006.
Knowledge for Action in Adult Education, Education for Older Adults. Guest Editor: Gabriela Mier Martínez, Mexico City, Decisio, September-December 2006.
Gerontology: Education with Older People, Javier Bendicho Montés, Valencian Federation of Third Age Classrooms, Valencia, Spain, November 16-17, 2007.
Old Age: Different Perceptions and the Need for Relationships Based on a New Social Ethics, Ana Esmeralda Rizo López, National University of San Luis, San Luis, Argentina, November 2007.
Education of Older Adults: Opportunities and Challenges, Juan Lirio Castro, University of Castilla La Mancha, La Mancha, Spain, 2008.
Spirituality in the Aging Process of Older Adults, Cecilia San Martín Petersen, University of La Frontera, Temuco, Chile, 2008.
Educational Gerontology in Spain, Juan Lirio Castro, Complutense University of Madrid, Faculty of Education, Madrid, Spain, 2008.
The History of Old Age, Mª Del Carmen Carbajo Vélez, University of Valladolid, Spain, 2008.
MINDES, The Elderly Person and Their Self-Esteem, Lima, Peru, 2008.
Lifespan Psychology within the Framework of Developmental Psychology, Enrique Lombardo and Deisy Krzemien, Buenos Aires, Argentina, May/June 2008.
"Scientific Thought and Aging: Update", Clemente Couso Seoane, Scientific Information Journal, Vol. 59, No. 3, July-September 2008, University of Medical Sciences of Guantanamo, Cuba.
Learning in Old Age and Imagination, Marisa Viviana Ruiz, Ana Maria Scipioni, Daniel Fernando Lentini, National University of San Luis, San Luis, Argentina, November 19, 2008.
ILO, Aging Population: Who Takes Care? ILO Notes on Work and Family 8, 2009.
Contributions to a Conceptualization of Old Age, Júpiter Ramos Esquivel, Adriana Marcela Meza Calleja, Iraam Maldonado Hernández, Martha Patricia Ortega Medellín, Ma. Teresita Hernández Paz, Journal of Education and Development 11, Mexico, October-December 2009.
National Institute for Older Adults, Towards a Culture of Aging, Mexico City, Mexico, 2010.
Thinking about Old Age and Aging in Contemporary Mexico, Verónica Montes de Oca Zavala, Institute of Social Research of the National Autonomous University of Mexico, April 12, 2010.
Presidency of the Government, Higher Council of Sports, Plan A+D, Guide for Active Aging of Older Adults, Madrid, Spain, November 2010.
Ethnography, Vital Course and Aging. Contributions to a Review of Categories and Models, María Rosa Martínez, María Gabriela Morgante, Carolina Remorini, Perspectives in Psychology, issue No. 13, National University of La Plata, Argentina, January-December 2010.
Working with Positive Aspects for Health Promotion in Old Age, Arias, Claudia Josefina, Sabatini, María Belén, and Soliverez, Verónica Corina, University of Buenos Aires, Buenos Aires, Argentina, 2011.
UN, List of Accredited NGOs to the OEWGA, Department of Economic and Social Affairs of the United Nations (UNDESA) - United Nations Human Rights, Office of the High Commissioner, New York, USA, 2011.
Neurobiological Bases of Neuronal Aging, Vicente Beltrán-Campos and Others, Digital University Journal, Volume 12 Number 3, UNAM, Mexico, March 1, 2011.
Quality of Life and Aging, Elderly People's View on their Living Conditions, Fermina Rojo-Pérez, Gloria Fernández Mayoralas, Editors, BBVA Foundation, Bilbao, Spain, 2011.
Social Conditions and Quality of Life of Older Adults: Experiences from Mexico, Chile and Colombia, María Elena Flores Villavicencio, María Guadalupe Vega López, Guillermo Julián González Pérez (Coordinators), University Center for Health Sciences, University of Guadalajara, Mexico, 2011.
Aging, Health, and Dependency, Joaquín Giro Miranda (Coordinator), University of La Rioja, Logroño, Spain, 2011.
Health of Older Adults: A Shared Vision, María Alcira Quintero Osorio, Editor, PAHO, Washington, D.C., 2011.
Advanced Aging and its Care, Histories, Subjectivity and Social Meanings, María Concepción Arroyo Rueda, Manuel Ribeiro Ferreira, Sandra Elizabet Mancinas Espinoza, Autonomous University of Nuevo León, Monterrey, Mexico, 2011.
Old Age and Aging, Karen Dayana Rodríguez Daza, Research Group in Physical Activity and Human Development, School of Medicine and Health Sciences, Universidad del Rosario, Rosario, Argentina, January 2011.
Neurobiological Bases of Neuronal Aging, Vicente Beltrán-Campos, Eurídice Padilla-Gómez, Lourdes Palma, Azucena Aguilar-Vázquez, Sofía Díaz-Cintra, Institute of Neurobiology (INB)-UNAM, Digital University Journal March 1, 2011 • Volume 12 Number 3 • ISSN: 1067-607.
Quality of Life Guide in Old Age - Tools for Living Longer and Better, Francisca Campos T., Diana León A., Macarena Rojas G., Pontifical Catholic University of Chile, Santiago de Chile, August 2011.
Physiological Changes Associated with Aging, Felipe Salech M., Rafael Jara L., Luis Michea A., [Rev. Med. Clin. Condes - 2012; 23(1) 19-29].
The Value of Bibliotherapy in Old Age, Gastón Mario del Río, Blog Bibliópolis: la Ciudad de Daniel, November 8, 2011.
Institute for Older Persons and Social Services (IMSERSO), Active Aging - White Book, Madrid, Spain, November 2011.
Memory and Singular History in Old Age and Aging, Marina Canal, Gabriela Bravetti, 3rd International Research Congress, National University of La Plata, Argentina, November 15-17, 2011.
Physiological Changes Associated with Aging, Felipe Salech M., Rafael Jara L., Luis Michea A., Revista Médica Clínica Condes, Santiago de Chile, 2012.
UNFPA, Aging in the 21st Century: A Celebration and a Challenge, Executive Summary, United Nations Population Fund, New York and Helpage International, London, 2012.
Psychological Well-being in Old Age and its Relationship with Functional Capacity and Life Satisfaction, Encarnación Satorres Pons, University of Valencia, Spain, 2013.
National Center for Preventive Programs and Disease Control, Principles of Gerontological Approach and Various Interventions, Mexico City, Mexico, August 2012.
"A Comprehensive Perspective of the Elderly in the Context of Education", Eddy Mogollón, Inter-American Journal of Adult Education, vol. 34, no. 1, January-June 2012, pp. 56-74, Regional Cooperation Center for Adult Education in Latin America and the Caribbean, Pátzcuaro, Mexico.
Education and Active Aging, A Community Experience, Concepción Aparicio Alonso, University of Alcalá, Department of Education Sciences, Alcalá de Henares, Spain, 2013.
Elder Abuse, World Report on Violence and Health, Scientific and Technical Publication No. 588, Pan American Health Organization, Pan American Sanitary Bureau, Regional Office of the World Health Organization, Washington, D.C., USA, 2003.
Physical Exercise Manual for Elderly People, Maria Garcia Gil, Vizcaya, Spain, 2013.
Ministry of Economic and Social Inclusion, Equality Agenda for Older Adults 2012-2013, Quito, Ecuador.
Creativity and Cognitive Development in Older Adults, Silvia Carrascal, Eva Solera, Spain, February 23, 2013.
Art and Seniors ProArt and Seniors Proposal for Active Aging, Zacarias Calzado Almodóvar, Mª Isabel Ruiz Fernández, Rodrigo Espada Belmonte, María Gordillo Gordillo, Faculty of Education, University of Extremadura, Extremadura, Spain, March 15, 2013.
Psychology of Middle Age and Old Age, Ricardo Iacub, M. Belén Sabatini, Specialization in Community and Institutional Gerontology, National University of Mar del Plata, Mar del Plata, Argentina, March 1, 2013.
"And Old Age Also Has Its History, Norma Acerbi Cremades", Public Health Journal, (XVII) 4:69-73, Dec. 2013, Cordoba, Argentina.
CELADE, Population Notes 98, Santiago, Chile, July 2014
LARNA - ARGENTINA - 2014, Seminar Cultural Diversity and Aging: Family and Community, Autonomous City of Buenos Aires, September 2 and 3, 2014.
Autonomy and Dignity in Old Age Theory and Practice in Rights Policies for Older Adults, Sandra Huenchuan and Rosa Icela Rodríguez Editors, ECLAC, Mexico City, Mexico, December 2014
HelpAge International, Global Ageing Index 2015 - Executive Summary.
Life History as a Tool for Improving Gerontological Care, Mª Jesús Aguarón García, Rovira i Virgili University, Department of Nursing, Tarragona, Spain, 2016.
An Art Therapy Experience with Older Adults in a Community Context, Camila Villar, University of Chile, Faculty of Arts, Santiago de Chile, August 2016.
Social Violence towards the Elderly in Hypermodernity. A Focus from Clinical Sociology, Fernando Mier Sosa, Faculty of Psychology, University of the Republic, Uruguay, October 24, 2016.
"Promotion of Gerontagogical Health", Danay Sosa García, Silvia Magaly García Suárez, María Mayda Oliva Martínez, Reina Durand Duany, Juana del Rosario Fernández Guzmán, "Leopoldito Martínez" Hospital. University Polyclinic "Felo Echezarreta". San José de las Lajas, Mayabeque, Cuba, Cuban Journal of Public Health. 2017;43(3).
Minuto de Dios University Corporation, Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities, Psychology Program Bello, Spirituality as a Factor of Psychological Well-being in the Aging Process, Bogotá, Colombia, 2017.
Old Age and Aging in China, Pan, Lien-Tan, Studies of Asia and Africa, vol. 52, no. 2, May-August, 2017, pp. 459-470, El Colegio de México, A.C., Mexico City, Mexico.
Methodological Proposal Estimates and Projections EAP, Guiomar Bay, Mario Acuña and María Cecilia Villarroel, CELADE, October 2017.
ECLAC, Aging, Older Persons and 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, Sandra Huenchuan (Editor), Santiago de Chile, 2018.
Digital Technologies and Social Relations of Age, Gender and Class among Elderly People. An Intersectional Approach, Hélène Bourdeloie, 2018.
"Validation of a Brief Index of Religiosity and Spirituality", Lorena P. Gallardo-Peralta, Alejandro Cuadra-Peralta, Constanza Veloso-Besio, University of Tarapacá, Psychology Journal, 27(1), 1-13, Arica, Chile, 2018.
Catharsis Art as a Means of Communication in Older Adults, Lady Xiomara Ganoza Martínez, Angie Katherine Valero Gil, Faculty of Sciences and Education, Francisco José de Caldas District University, Bogotá D.C., 2018.
Old Age in Modern Painting: A Gender Perspective, Pilar Escario Rodríguez-Spiteri, Complutense University of Madrid, Faculty of Political Science and Sociology, Madrid, Spain, 2018.
Aging, Old Age and Quality of Life: Success or Difficulty, Teresita de Jesús Martínez Pérez, Caridad María González Aragón, Gisela Castellón León, Belkis González Aguiar, Cuba, March 5, 2018.
"Research and Gerontagogy: An Educational Bet for Older Adults", Marta Silva Pertuz (Colombia), May 14, 2018, Helios Journal vol. 2 (1), January - June 2018, Private University Antenor Orrego, Trujillo, Peru.
Art Therapy in Institutionalized Older Women, Mónica Edith Jorquera Cox, Faculty of Architecture and Art, Universidad del Desarrollo, Santiago de Chile, July 2018.
Spirituality in Old Age, Cecilia San Martín Petersen, University of La Frontera, Temuco, Chile, December 1, 2008.
"Spirituality and Religiosity for the Transcendence of the Elderly", Raúl Fernando Guerrero-Castañeda, Tânia Maria de Oliva Menezes, Marta Lenise do Prado, Jonathan Alejandro Galindo-Soto, Brazilian Journal of Nursing, Brasília, Brazil, 2019.
Old Age and Aging Contributions to Research and Intervention with Older Adults from Social Sciences, Psychology, and Education, Iuliano Rodolfo, Coordinator, Faculty of Humanities and Education Sciences, National University of La Plata, 2019.
Spirituality in Hospitalized Older Adults, Care Opportunity for Nursing: Quantitative Approach, Raúl Fernando Guerrero Castañeda, University of Guanajuato, Guanajuato, Mexico, August 26, 2019.
Aging with Care: Attention to Dependency in Latin America and the Caribbean, Gianluca Cafagna, Natalia Aranco, Pablo Ibarrarán, María Laura Oliveri, Nadin Medellín, Marco Stampini, Inter-American Development Bank (IDB), Washington D.C., USA, October 2019.
IDB, COVID-19: The Impact of the External Shock on the Economies of the Andean Region, Javier Díaz-Cassou, Paul Carrillo-Maldonado, and Kenji Moreno, 2020.
CELADE, Population Projections 2019, Santiago de Chile, 2020
Psychological Tips for Long Periods at Home, Elena San Martín Suárez, 2020.
Latin American Perspectives on Care, Irma Arriagada Acuña [et al.], General Coordination Karina Batthyany, Buenos Aires, CLACSO; Mexico City, Siglo XXI, 2020.
COVID-19: The Impact of the External Shock on the Economies of the Andean Region, Javier Díaz-Cassou, Paul Carrillo-Maldonado, and Kenji Moreno, Inter-American Development Bank (IDB), June 2020.
IDB, The Crisis of Inequality, Latin America and the Caribbean at the Crossroads, edited by Matías Busso and Julián Messina, 2020.
World Bank Group, The Human Capital Index, 2020, Update, Human Capital in the Time of COVID-19.
Ministry of Health and Social Protection, Office of Social Promotion, Promotion of Mental Health in Older Adults in Preventive Isolation Against Coronavirus (COVID-19), Bogotá, March 2020.
Ministry of Health, Undersecretariat of Public Health of Chile, Practical Guide for Self-care of Health in Older Adults, Santiago, Chile, March 24, 2020.
Communication Strategy: Comprehensive Proposal for the Protection of Older Adults against COVID-19, version 1, San José, Costa Rica, March 31, 2020.
CEPAL, COVID-19, General Recommendations for the Care of Older Persons from a Human Rights Perspective, Mexico City, Mexico, March 2020.
CEPAL, 2030 Projections of the COVID-19 Crisis, April 3, 2020.
Ministry of Health of Spain, Coordination Center for Health Alerts and Emergencies, Coronavirus Disease, COVID-19, Madrid, Spain, April 4, 2020.
UN, Policy Summary The Impact of COVID-19 on Older Persons, May 2020.
UN, Policy Brief The Impact of COVID-19 on Older Persons, May 2020.
Decree Law No. 19990, Lima, Peru, April 24, 1973.
Supreme Decree No. 011-2011-MIMDES, “National Policy on Older Adults”, Lima, Peru, July 8, 2011.
National Policy on Older Adults, Ministry of Women and Vulnerable Populations, Lima, Peru, 2011.
National Plan for Older Adults 2013-2017, Ministry of Women and Vulnerable Populations (MIMP), Lima, Peru, June 15, 2013.
Supreme Decree No. 002-2015-MIMP modifying the Regulations of Organization and Functions of the Ministry of Women and Vulnerable Populations (MIMP), Lima, Peru, May 11, 2015.
Program for Incentives for Municipal Management Improvement 2016 - Guide for Compliance with Goal 31 “Creation or Adaptation of the Comprehensive Care Center for Older Adults – CIAM”, Ministry of Women and Vulnerable Populations - Directorate of Older Adults, Lima, Peru, January 2016.
Supreme Decree No. 004-2016-MIMP approving Regulations of the Centers for Attention to Older Adults, Lima, Peru, May 27, 2016.
Law No. 30490, Law of the Older Adult, Lima, Peru, June 30, 2016.
Supreme Decree No. 401-2016-EF establishing provisions for the application of the Deduction of the Tax Base of the Property Tax in the case of Non-Pensioner Older Adults, Lima, Peru, December 29, 2016.
Ministerial Resolution No. 095-2017-MIMP establishing the National Network of Older Adults, Lima, Peru, March 17, 2017.
Supreme Decree No. 002-2018-Jus approving the National Plan of Human Rights 2018-2021, Lima, Peru, January 30, 2018.
National Plan of Human Rights 2018 – 2021, Ministry of Justice and Human Rights, Lima, Peru, 2018.
Supreme Decree No. 007-2018-MIMP approving the Regulation of Law No. 30490, Law of the Older Adult, Lima, August 25, 2018.
Law No. 30840 promoting the Preferential Administrative Facilitation Service for Persons in Special Vulnerability Situations, Lima, Peru, August 16, 2018.
Supreme Decree No. 017-2019-MIMP approving the Regulation of Law No. 30840 promoting the Preferential Administrative Facilitation Service for Persons in Special Vulnerability Situations, Lima, Peru, September 20, 2019.
DS_007-2020-SA Regulation Law 30947
Technical Guide Mental Health COVID-19,
Mental Health Law 30947,
Legislative Decree No. 1473 establishing special provisions regulating Financial Transfers or Granting of Subsidies for the Co-financing of Programs or Projects under the Financial Scheme Call 067-2020-01 called “Special Projects: Response to COVID-19”, Lima, Peru, May 2, 2020.
Ministerial Resolution No. 308-2020-MINSA approving the Technical Document "Ministry of Health Intervention Plan for Indigenous Communities and Populated Centers of the Amazon facing the COVID-19 Emergency", Lima, Peru, May 21, 2020.
COVID-19 Mental Health Plan
Supreme Decree No. 116-2020-PCM establishing measures to be observed by the citizenship in the New Social Coexistence and extending the National State of Emergency due to the serious circumstances affecting the life of the Nation as a consequence of COVID-19
Supreme Decree No. 001-2021-MIMP approving the Preventive Strategy for Centers for Older Adults - "YANAPAY60+", within the framework of the Health Emergency due to COVID-19.
Law No. 31050 establishing extraordinary provisions for the Rescheduling and Freezing of Debts to Alleviate the Economy of Natural Persons and SMEs as a Consequence of Covid-19, Lima, Peru05 de octubre del 2020.
International Action Plan on Aging Vienna, World Assembly on Aging, Vienna, Austria., July 26 to August 6, 1982.
Political Declaration and International Action Plan on Aging Madrid, Second World Assembly on Aging, Madrid, Spain, April 8-12, 2002.
Brasilia Declaration: Second Intergovernmental Regional Conference on Aging in Latin America and the Caribbean: Towards a Society for All Ages and Social Protection Based on Rights, ECLAC, October 2011.
Inter-American Convention on the Protection of the Human Rights of Older Persons, adopted in Washington, D.C., United States, June 15, 2015 and entered into force on November 1, 2017.
ALGEC, Specialization in Community and Institutional Gerontology
IDB, Inter-American Development Bank, Lima-Peru
IDB, Publications
WB, World Bank, Lima-Peru (contains publications)
ECLAC, Population and Development
DIPAM, Multisectoral Commission PAM
FIAPAM, Ibero-American Federation of Older Adults
INEI, Population Estimates and Projections 1950-2050, Bulletin 24
INEI, Peru Sociodemographic Profile 2017, Lima, August 2018
INEI, Population and Housing, 2007-2017
BML, Biblioteca Municipal de Lima
INEI, Digital Publications
MINSA, Digital Publications
MINSA, COVID-19 Situation Room Peru
MLM, Digital and Printed Publications
National Observatory on Violence Against Women and Family Members
ILO, International Labour Organization, Lima-Peru (contains publications)
ONP, Office of Pension Standardization
UN, UN Principles
UN, Digital Publications
PAHO, Pan American Health Organization, Lima-Peru (contains publications)
UNDP, United Nations Development Program, Lima-Peru (contains publications)
UNATE, Permanent University of Cantabria
UNESCO, United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, Lima-Peru (contains publications)
UNFPA, United Nations Population Fund, Lima-Peru (contains publications)
USAID, United States Agency for International Development, Lima-Peru (contains publications)
PUCP, Virtual Publications
UNMSM, Virtual Publications
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